Monday, September 10, 2007

The one I *should* have titled "FUCK"

I want to have Sex.

I was discussing this last night with a friend. That is, my desire to have Sex.

We started by talking about the different kinds of sex, which is a discussion for another day, when I care enough to write about it. For the moment, however, I want to talk about the first time you are intimate with another person (and how much I'm looking forward to that again).

I have a theory, and it is this: the first handful of times you have sex with a person are different than any other time you will ever see that person naked. This is not necessarily a good or a bad thing, and I'm willing to guess it's less true the more people you fuck. But it's still the assumption I'm working with here.

Part of this difference is the simple fact that you are still truly exploring that person's body. To discover and chart new territory, as it were. Tenderly tracing fingers along their skin to redraw the maps in your head. Determining which parts of this new land are more fertile (or bountiful) and if the undergrowth on this new country is thick (seriously. I'm covered in hair. Okay, "covered" is strong. I'm not grotesquely hairy or anything like that. I just have a hairy "chestal section". Oh, and I shave my armpits. It's a comfort thing). It's terribly exciting.

But seriously, isn't that the best? The sweet and gentle trailing as you kiss any and every exposed inch of skin or the feel of the first truly intimate thing you do (this is Third Base and beyond I'm referring to here). It's not great sex, and it really shouldn't be, because you don't know how the other goes. You haven't adapted, so you're working harder than usual, because you want to have a good time, but more importantly, you want them to want to continue to have sex with you (that's key). It's the kind of sex that's already more intense because (theoretically) a massive amount of emotion surrounding it, it's almost electric. And it's only gets more intense, because quite frankly, you're fucking.

It's the kind of sex where, once you've started really going, it's not even possible to grip the other person because you're both covered in sweat, you try to grasp their arm, wrap around them and pull them into you, but you're so slick, slimy, soaked that it barely works at all, and sweat just pours out of you, but it doesn't matter because of the pure kinetic energy of *fucking*. The kind of sex that leaves the bedsheets unusable because they're soaked with sweat (and whatever else). The kind of sex where the only way to get the sweat off isn't even a towel or a shower, no, the only effective way is a fucking squeegee.

That's the kind of Sex I want to have. That stuff hits the spot.

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